An offensive-manifesto in favor of opening the shores of Lake Geneva to the public.

Through a performative paddleboat service, citizens are invited to claim access to the neighboring privatized shores by allowing, in 'occupation' mode, access to passages that are currently not accessible.

A conference-debate is also organized to discuss the need to create free access to the shores of lakes and rivers in Switzerland, as well as the tensions between territory and capitalism, space and power, civic action and law.

This project is inspired by peaceful protest movements to place contestation, the reappropriation of public space, civic participation, collective creativity, and the notion of the commons at the heart of the local scene. It aims to assert that laws and popular decisions mandating free passage access to the shores of lakes or rivers must be respected at the municipal, cantonal, and federal levels.

︎︎︎ Intervention at the BIG – 5th Biennale Insulaire des Espaces d'Art de Genève